Friday, 8 January 2010


today I have been napping and revising and dog walking
so I have no interesting pictures to share.
Therefore, I hope that this amuses you for a few minutes:

hehe. I thought they was quite cute. >.< MIFFY FTW
Fleet is STILL snowy, like MAJOR snowy. Hopefully I can get to Farnborough tomorrow to get a birthday present...

keep your toasts coming because I love all of my followers even though I don't tell them personally but they are all coolbeans in their own little way.

ciao ciao


Carol Anne said...

Thank you so much for following my blog! Yours is really cute too! <3

Bella said...

I like the lunch money one X3 xxx

Kiki said...

Hehe those are adorable. Too bad I hate actually using change! x

Leanne said...

Hahaha, "they are all coolbeans in their own little way". That made me smile :).

Sophia said...

yeah i've had a few penpals that somehow fizzled out too, i only keep in contact with one. but she was the best one, so it's all good :)

those bags are so, so cute! i love the brown frilly one. it made me go "aww" out loud <3

Crystal Ball said...

These are all soooo cute!