Sunday, 16 May 2010

emily's "people in nature" project, and erin's "fashion" project

yes, it has been PHOTOGRAPHY CENTRAL these days! Basically every Sunday we do a photoshoot because now we're doing our own projects, there's a lot of pressure to take lots of pictures...

Today, we worked on Emily's project, "people in nature"

(sorry first one needs rotating but you get the general idea)

then it was Erin's fashion themed one,

there are some more with me as an "English Schoolgirl" which I'll post when Erin gets off her arse and puts them on Facebook ;)

really gutted because my best guy mate, Mike, threw this awesome party like he does every year and I couldn't go to because I was accompanying my best friend to go and hang out with our Mums and their friends. It was OK... but then she got ill, and I spent the night thinking "I could be at Mike's right now..." am still pissed off now.

Hmmm, resilience. I need to learn that skill.

ah well
ciao ciao


Anonymous said...

AWW those pictures are so cute! :D

Bella said...

nice pictures I love the second one :) and a ukulele woohoo! x