Thursday, 4 February 2010

wahoo, parisian chic!
school was good, double photography, i was alone, double PE, raved in a random dance studio, science BEEP BEEP that is all you need to know. anyway after school erin and i went to barnardos, the charity shop we work at. look at all these goodies we found (YUMYUM!)

vintage wedding dress! :O

hahaha, i am actualy UNDERNEATH this, that is how big the thing is!

"it's hankie? no wait curtains? no it's definitely a hankie. ohh. it's a skirt."

i dread to think where this has been/seen before it was donated!

i bought this with my staff discount, haha.

i also got an award from ERIN yeah, you love her you love her.
i'll do all that shizzle later. it's parents evening tonight. FML.
ciao ciao -™


English Rose ♥ said...

Paris, je t'aime xx

Kiki said...

Ooooooh Paris. Right up there on my list of places I want to go! The croissant picture is making me hungry haha. And I love those shoes.

Glad you have so much fun working at the charity shop :] x

the notebook doodles said...

i can never get enough of navy blue stripes :p

Ziad Ali said...

op shopping is awesome :)
can't beleive you have photography as a subject! lucky you!
thanks for your comment, i actually don't have a poloaroid camera (getting one very very soon though!) i've used the program polardroid to edit them like that.
Oh and i think its awesome you wear glasses but don't need them, i've always wanted to do that!
Pearl xo

Lulu said...

this is a really fun post! i'm so glad i found your blog! =]