Monday, 4 January 2010


just got back from taking His Lordship out for a cold but beautiful walk.
I mean, look at the treeees. Oh, the trees.

the little 'airport' where people fly their toy planes

Where's it gone, Rufus, where's it gone?

I have ffiiiinally got all my Coursework DONE AND DUSTED!! But I might need to go over it, I feel as if I rushed the last three or so paragraphs. Thanks to everyone who's e-mailed me saying they want to be pen pals! Anyone else? Come onnnnn, everyone loves receiving mail!

come on, e-mail it and we can be pen pals! wahooo!

panto rehearsal later on tonight.

ciao ciao


I V Y said...

nice blog! haha rufus is cuttte!

Silverbeige said...

Beautiful trees! Beautiful, artistic! Nature is perfect! Thx for sharing.