Tuesday, 12 January 2010

you got the love

sophie's adding her address into the family address book... don't mind her. We've been birthday pressie buying, and Maury watching... I mean... BEEF! And How Clean Is Your House which is pretty disgusting...! Today is Tuesday, and we were back at school, but I wore my awesome floral DMs. Zara gave me G lessons at lunch. (How to be a G)and REMEMBER check out Pretty Pictures! The snow is sort of half snow, half slush. It was great when it was all Christmasey, but now that's over, I just want sunshine...

OH! and ages ago, I was reading English Rose blog, about the Great Ugg Debate - so what do you think? Ewwww or Ooooh? Yay or Nay? ciao ciao -™


Sofie Marie said...

NAY...never,I really dislike UGGS.I have never liked them,and hate the way they seem to be so popular.Original real UGGS are okay,but cheap versions are horrendus.They just seem to say tacky tacky tacky to me.Whats your thought on them?
Sofie ^^

Ziad Ali said...

Hello my dear :)
Thanks for your lovely comment! Your blog is just as lovely i must say,
I was also reading your profile and i see you have a dog named rufus and i thought you might like to know that I have a soft-toy dog named rufus :)
oh and i''m following :)
Pearl xo

AVY said...

I never got any snow. As always.

Leanne said...

On the Uggs issue...
As mainstream and popular as they are, I'm just not into them. If people want to wear them, they should at LEAST be real Uggs, and not the cheap rip offs. Just my opinion :).


i think uggs are okay, but like, you have to wear them right and they have to be real ones.
from australia ofcourse. :D LOLOL

♥ ctrlove.blogspot.com

Cherish said...

I must admit I'm a fan. I wasn't always though. At the end of the day, they're so comfortable and unbelievably toasty. They're my best friend come winter, when the weather's dry out. A lazy alternative to DMs or biker boots.



Harlow said...

I completely agree with Sofie Marie. Uggs are kinda ewwy. Perhaps if it was so friggin' hot in Australia I'd own a pair for bumming around at home.

faye said...

Well at the moment for me its snowing AGAIN
im sick of it all, really :"(
sorry i havnt been commenting ive been ultraaaaaaa busyy
and dms
shiz z;)