Wednesday, 6 January 2010

lucy in the sky with dandruff

So basically today was NO SCHOOL because of all the SNOWWWW :) And tomorrow as well, there's 8 inches, which is quite a lot, and Fleet is the 3rd snowiest place in the UK! :O I KNOW! FLEET!!!

So this is what I did today,

-woke up and checked the school website, which said it was CLOSED
-went to sleep again
-got a call from jess
-went to jess's house
-went to STARBUCKS
-had an EPIC snowball fight in the car park of the library, we then started jumping and diving into the snow, and making snow angels and doing various gymnastic tricks!!
-went to the pitch'n'putt (now known as Calthorpe Park. Yeah, my school was named after a park. Or the park was named after my school. Whatever.) where we saw some peeps and tried to help them with their huuuuuge snowball (I'm talking the size of ME) but they weren't very helpful
-so we went back to Erin's to warm up
-stayed there for ages, I read a book about puberty which I found vaguely amusing.

12 toasts on the last post - keep your comments coming!! Even if they're just to say 'HI'

ciao ciao


Betty said...

Wow no school because of the snow. I never had that. So Amazing! Hopefully the snow will come here too. I want to build a snowman!

Sofie Marie said...

Ahhhhhh,so jealous right now! Our school never shuts,even if its snowy! :(
Sounds like you had a good day ^^

Melissa said...

so jealous! You had a day of school! No such luck with my school, we never have days off because of the snow. :(

sounds like a pretty darn fun day you had, starbucks + snow = looove


Sarah said...

JEALOUS! I hate school. Lovely pictures though. And haha I love the post title :)

S. said...

Omg you're so lucky! Australia doesn't get any snow, unless we head up to the mountains but it's pretty crappy. Nothing compared to what you guys get. Looks like you guys had heaps of fun :)

Harlow said...

Here's a toast because you're cool okay:) haha. Snow and snow days...grrr! I so wished it was winter and that I lived in England. Oh well, looks like you had lots of fun.

M&E said...

love your pics!!! ^_^
