Wednesday, 24 February 2010

cha-ching! thank you very much to Sonny who gave me this award!
and i nominate...
English Rose
Notebook Doodles
Ctrl Love
Pois Rouge

so anyway, today was pretty COOLBEANZ. started off with double physics, and then maths, but the day soon improved. community cohesion/PACE (Personal And Citizenship Education) and I got a good spot next to Emily and behind Kam. Then Drama where I pretended to be a bottle of bleach. Abstract drama these days. Then French ... I was pretty tired from all my hard work being a bottle, tbh. Then I walked His Lordship with Kam which was pretty awesome :)

But nobody cares about that.
What I want to know is... have any of you been a really really complicated bitch fight? Where someone is going though a hard time and then all this sheit happens? If so ... got any tips?

really long post, SOZ!!

ciao ciao -™

1 comment:

vanessa joie said...

Aren't you sweet! I love your blog too.